Whilst we carefully select the products we specify in our systems based on performance and reliability. Technology has a bad habit of failing at the worst possible time.
When you are covered by a Cinergy Aftercare plan you will have access to free remote support for any issues that may arise. We design our systems to allow most issues to be rectified remotely.
Sometimes issues can’t be fixed remotely and a home visit is required, we offer priority service for all Aftercare plan members.
Reduce issues with proactive monitoring & service visits to keep your system up to date with the latest features and updates.
All Cinergy installations are covered by a 12 month warranty.
Aftercare Plan Advantages
Out of Hours Support
Get support when you need it most via phone or email.
Priority Service
Get access to an engineer for remote or in home support faster.
Remote Monitoring
We monitor your system 24/7 and are alerted when your system has issues.
Discounted Support Costs
Get free remote support and discounted in home charges.
Proactive Support
Remote access allows us to fix problems before they become issues.
Free Proactive Service Visit
Keeping your system up to date with the latest features and updates.
Phone & E-mail Support
Estimated Response Time
Hourly Remote Charge
Priority Remote Support
Home Visit Wait Time
Hourly Charge (min 2 hours)
System Monitoring
Proactive System Monitoring
Proactive Repair
Annual Proactive Service Visit
All pricing includes VAT at 20%, plans are billed annually.
An additional setup fee may be payable dependant on current equipment.
Non - Member
Monday - Friday 8am-4pm
48 Hours
2 Weeks +
Monday - Sunday 8am-8pm
2 Hours
48 Hours
per month